Biographite® Carbons
Biographite® products are durable, consistent, and well-suited for industrial applications. Our patented CarbolysisTM process transforms waste biomass into a highly pure, conductive carbon with a low carbon footprint, thereby enabling a green transition from mined or other fossil-based carbons.
This unique biocarbon has many uses across a wide array of applications such as construction, energy storage, and biocomposites. Thanks to our unique production process, our Biographite® products are carbon-negative and naturally conductive carbon.
When you need a sustainable, conductive, permanent carbon, Carbo Culture Biographite® products are the solution.
Green Industrial Materials
Many industries use materials with a high carbon footprint originating from the fossil fuel industry to produce essential products that our economy relies on today. These materials, such as cement or carbon black can be difficult to replace, due to their availability and properties. Carbo Culture’s Biographite® conductive carbon is a circular solution that can replace industrial materials that emit CO2 and store additional atmospheric carbon simultaneously.
Green Building Materials
The cement industry urgently needs decarbonisation efforts because it is the source of ~8% of all global CO2 emissions. Testing has demonstrated that at more than 10% loadings within the cement fraction, our Biographite® materials improve the mechanical properties of cement and concrete. Therefore, further enabling emission reductions. Secure a supply of our highly stable Biographite® product to sequester carbon and improve the sustainability of cement, for climate-friendly concrete!
Many commonly used plastic and composite products are made out of carbon black and other synthetic materials that have a high carbon footprint. By using Biographite® carbon, the industry can reduce its reliance on fossil fuel-derived carbon black, lower carbon emissions, and promote circular economy practices.
Carbo Culture’s Biographite® solution will be instrumental in transitioning our economy away from hard-to-replace fossil materials.
Conductive Biocarbon
Our highly conductive Biographite® materials enable an entirely new set of carbon materials which can replace fossil fuel byproducts within various applications like batteries, supercapacitors, conductive biocomposites, conductive inks, and more. Carbo Culture’s Biographite® solution will be instrumental in transitioning our economy away from hard-to-replace fossil materials.
Conductive Concrete
Through successful R&D trials, we have been able to demonstrate that our Biographite® carbon can be embedded into concrete enabling electrical conductivity. When incorporated into the concrete mix, these materials create a network of conductive pathways within the cement matrix. This enables an environmentally friendly way for many applications such as self-heating pavements, de-icing surfaces, precast concrete curing, and electromagnetic shielding.
Energy Storage
As electric vehicles and energy storage become requirements for the transition to an electrified world, Carbo Culture’s Biographite® carbons can help make this a reality. It is possible to replace the carbon in the electrodes of batteries and supercapacitors with this highly conductive, cost-effective, and sustainable material.
Conductive Biocomposites
In addition to reducing the carbon footprint of composite materials, Carbo Culture’s Biographite® material has the right properties needed to create conductive biocomposites for a range of potential uses.
Benefits of Biographite® Carbon
Replace fossil materials
Biographite® carbons can replace a variety of fossil materials while maintaining or improving the performance of the end product
Store carbon
Join us in co-developing innovative products that keep CO2 out of our air
Learn about our technology